We believe that EVERY child is capable of achieving G R E A T N E S S.
Together, we can ensure that your child makes every single dream come true.
Meet Our Board Members

Adam Laniyan
Board Chair

Caitlin Day-Lewis
Dawn Antoine-Forbes

Winsome Nevins

Jennifer Perkins
Dr. Edrick Johnson

Amber Cartwright
Board Meeting Dates & Minutes
All meetings are open to the public and begin at 6:30pm.
For concerns or comments that the public wishes to have addressed during the board meeting, please submit them in writing to ivyhillprepboard@gmail.com forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting. The Board Chair will consider those items for inclusion on the next board meeting agenda, and you will be notified 24 hours in advance of the meeting whether the item will be included. It is the practice of the board to hear public feedback but not respond instantly. The Board Chair will consult with the board and the HOS and either the board chair or the HOS will respond within 24 hours to the public comment. Meetings can be found on our Board of Trustees Calendar.